Whisky of Whiskey?

Whisky or Whiskey?
As so often when you want to know the correct spelling of a word, you search (nowadays just online) in 'the Dikke Van Dale'. So do we at Tasting Collection. If we search for 'whisky' we get the following result; "spirit, distilled from barley or other grains: Scotch whisky". However, if we search for 'whiskey', the results are; "No result for 'whiskey', The word is misspelled (..). Remarkable, because both names do exist, and are used together or cambabes4u.
Whisky is therefore a drink which - at least by the leading Dutch dictionary - is associated with Scotland. Logical, because although whiskey is now produced around the world, it is one of Scotland's oldest and best known exports. The name comes from the Old Celtic name 'Uisge-Beatha', which means 'water of life'.
Whisky or Whiskey
The origin of the difference in spelling arose in the 19th century when the Scotch whisky, through their use of Coffey stills, was of inferior quality and the Irish, who stuck to the Pot-still, wanted to distinguish themselves from the Scots especially for export to the United States. They therefore added the letter 'e' to the designation. Today, much Scotch whisky is of unprecedented quality, but Americans still spell it whisky with an extra 'e'. A few American distilleries, mainly due to their own Scottish heritage, still prefer to use the Scottish spelling. However, the American-Irish spelling is more common due to the major influence of American movies and pop culture.
Tasting Collection usually names the whiskies we carry with the spelling, as indicated by the geographical location of origin. Thus, Scottish whiskey is labeled as "whiskey," Irish and American as "whiskey. Whisky or Whiskey? As so often when you want to know the correct spelling of a word, you search (nowadays just online) in 'the Dikke Van Dale'. So do we at Tasting Collection. If we search for 'whisky' we get the following result; "spirit, distilled from barley or other grains: Scotch whisky". However, if we search for 'whiskey', the results are; "No result for 'whiskey', The word is misspelled (..). Remarkable, because both names do exist, and are used together.


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